In today’s fast-paced world, staying organized and managing tasks effectively is more critical than ever. Whether you’re a developer, a student, or a professional juggling multiple projects, having a reliable task management system can make a world of difference. But what if you could create your own customized task manager with just a bit of Python and SQLite?
Manage your tasks with the terminal 🙂
We’re excited to share a Python script that not only helps you add, update, and display tasks but also allows you to delete all tasks with a simple command. Brefaly here’s what script does:
• Create a Task Table: It automatically sets up your SQLite database with the necessary table and columns.
• Add Tasks: It allows you to effortlessly add new tasks, with optional due dates.
• Update Task Status: It enables you to easily update the status of your tasks to monitor your progress.
• Delete All Tasks: It clears all tasks with a confirmation prompt to ensure you don’t delete them unintentionally.
• Display Tasks: It lets you view all your tasks in a clean, tabular format
Setting Up the Table
The script begins by creating a table in your SQLite database if it doesn’t already exist. It even checks for a due_date column and adds it if it’s absent:
def create_table(conn):
sql_create_tasks_table = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tasks (
id integer PRIMARY KEY,
task text NOT NULL,
status text NOT NULL
); """
c = conn.cursor()
# Check if due_date column exists, if not, add it
c.execute("PRAGMA table_info(tasks)")
columns = [column[1] for column in c.fetchall()]
if 'due_date' not in columns:
c.execute("ALTER TABLE tasks ADD COLUMN due_date text")
Adding New Tasks
Adding a task is as simple as calling the add_task function. You can even set a due date:
def add_task(conn, task, due_date=None):
sql=""' INSERT INTO tasks(task, status, due_date)
VALUES(?,?,?) '''
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute(sql, (task, 'Pending', due_date))
return cur.lastrowid
Updating Task Status
Need to mark a task as completed? Just update its status:
def update_task(conn, task_id, status):
sql=""' UPDATE tasks
SET status = ?
WHERE id = ?'''
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute(sql, (status, task_id))
Deleting All Tasks
Want a fresh start? You can delete all tasks with a simple command, but don’t worry – it asks for confirmation first:
def delete_all_tasks(conn):
sql="DELETE FROM tasks"
cur = conn.cursor()
Displaying Tasks
See all your tasks neatly listed in the console:
def display_tasks(conn):
tasks = select_all_tasks(conn)
print("\nAll Tasks:")
print("-" * 50)
print("ID | Task | Status | Due Date")
print("-" * 50)
for task in tasks:
due_date = task[3] if len(task) > 3 and task[3] else "Not set"
print(f"{task[0]} | {task[1]} | {task[2]} | {due_date}")
print("-" * 50)
User-Friendly Menu
The script includes a user-friendly menu to interact with your task manager:
def menu():
print("\n1. Add Task")
print("2. Update Task Status")
print("3. Delete All Tasks")
print("4. Exit")
Bringing It All Together
Here’s the main function that ties everything together, providing a seamless user experience:
def main():
database = "todo.db"
conn = sqlite3.connect(database)
if conn is not None:
print("Error! Cannot create the database connection.")
while True:
choice = input("Enter choice: ")
if choice == '1':
task = input("Enter task: ")
due_date = input("Enter due date (YYYY-MM-DD) or press Enter to skip: ")
due_date = due_date if due_date else None
add_task(conn, task, due_date)
elif choice == '2':
task_id = int(input("Enter task ID to update: "))
status = input("Enter new status (Pending/Completed): ")
update_task(conn, task_id, status)
elif choice == '3':
confirmation = input("Are you sure you want to delete all tasks? (yes/no): ")
if confirmation.lower() == 'yes':
print("All tasks have been deleted.")
elif choice == '4':
print("Invalid choice! Please try again.")
You can extend this script
• Customizable: Adjust the script to meet your specific task management requirements.
• Educational: Discover how to engage with SQLite databases using Python.
• Efficient: Handle tasks straight from your terminal, eliminating the need for third-party apps.
This script empowers you to manage your tasks efficiently and effectively. Happy coding!