Hey Hackers
Our Profile Stats Pages just got better! Let’s meet the updates.
Story stats have also been improved. Learn about the latest installment here.
All Data Front and Center
Discover your overall performance on the improved stats page. With the new installment, all your data will be featured at the top of the page, from the number of people that have visited your profile, to writer stats such as total reads, number of stories published, and words written. Here’s what it looks like:
On the left side of the page, there is a section for subscribers. Here you’ll find your total number of subscribers, the date when your newsletter was first created and the Alias email address utilized to send it. Right below, you’ll find two buttons, one to import subscribers and one to export subscribers, which allow you full control over your custom newsletter.
Story Stats
In this section, you’ll find all your published stories and their data aggregated in table form. Here’s all the info included in the table:
- Story title
- Number of reads
- Reading time
- Date of publication
- Export button that allows you to download your story as a PDF or audio file
If you click the darker “Export” button at the top of the table, you can download all your stories as PDFs or your stories’ stats as a CSV.
Click any of the column headers to reorganize the data. For example, if you click “Reading time,” your data will be organized by that metric, with the story with the most reading time appearing first and the story with the least reading time appearing last. The same logic applies to the other metrics.
Newsletter Stats
The second data table on the page is the Newsletter Stats, which aggregates all the newsletters sent up to the date when your newsletter was first created. This table includes:
- Newsletter title
- Date delivered
- Number of emails sent
- Links clicked
- Emails opened
You can download all your newsletter data in CSV format by clicking the darker button at the top of the table.
Click any of the column headers to reorganize the data. For example, if you click “Links Clicked,” your data will be organized by that metric, with the newsletter with the fewest clicks appearing first and the one with the most clicks appearing last. The same logic applies to the other metrics.
That’s all for your profile stats updates!
Dive into your stats page to see all the details and uncover new insights about your performance!